Looking for German Classes in Medford, OR?
Have you wanted to learn German for a while and are finally ready to get serious?
Or perhaps you’ve started learning German with Duolingo, Rosetta stone, etc., but find they’re not teaching you the ‘bigger picture’ of how German actually works.
Sometimes even finding a good German class locally can be challenging, though.
So, I created two resources to help guide you:
- Below I listed ALL the German learning options in the Medford area.
- I created a FREE training for you entitled: ‘How to Actually Learn German and Avoid Wasting Years Trying’. ( ➡️ Click here to access)
Available options in Medford:
Unfortunately there aren’t many local options to learn German here that I am aware of. That means no local german classes, private lessons, or clubs. 😔
The one exception is Southern Oregon University offers German if you are looking to get a degree (more info below).
German language classes:
German schools:
There’s no German school in Medford. But, if you’re looking to get a degree in German, there are several options to learn German through Southern Oregon University in Ashland. They also partner with a German university so that you have an opportunity to study abroad.
Southern Oregon University.
Phone: (541) 552-7672
Address: 1250 Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland, OR 97520
Private German lessons:
Sadly, I can’t find anyone teaching privately in the Medford area.
German Clubs:
Southern Oregon University does have an internal German club for students but is not open to the public.
Contact the faculty advisor, Maggie Gemmell at gemmellm@sou.edu for more information.