How to Setup Your Own German Practice drills

German, with its detailed grammar rules and unique structure, can certainly be a challenge. 

While platforms like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone provide a solid foundation, true mastery comes from focused practice. 

That’s why in this article, I’m going to guide you through specialized drills designed to elevate your skills from casual dabbling to genuine fluency. 

Topics that we will cover include: noun gender; both singular and plural nouns; verbs; adjectives and their declensions; direct objects and the accusative case; indirect objects and the dative case; and setting up your own drills. 

Let’s get started!

German Noun ‘Haus’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Haus’ in German is neuter: das Haus (the house). Its plural is ‘die Häuser’ (the houses).

‘Haus’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Haus’ requires understanding The German Case System.

German Noun ‘Schule’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Schule’ in German is feminine: die Schule (the school). Its plural is ‘die Schulen’ (the schools).

‘Schule’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Schule’ requires understanding The German Case System.

German Noun ‘Salat’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Salat’ in German is masculine: der Salat (the salad). Its plural is ‘die Salate’ (the salads).

‘Salat’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Salat’ requires understanding The German Case System.

German Noun ‘Kleid’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Kleid’ in German is neuter: das Kleid (the dress). Its plural is ‘die Kleider’ (the dresses).

‘Kleid’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Kleid’ requires understanding The German Case System.

German Noun ‘Kind’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Kind’ in German is neuter: das Kind (the child). Its plural is ‘die Kinder’ (the children).

‘Kind’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Kind’ requires understanding The German Case System.

German Noun ‘Katze’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Katze’ in German is feminine: die Katze (the cat). Its plural is ‘die Katzen’ (the cats).

‘Katze’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Katze’ requires understanding The German Case System.

German Noun ‘Kaffee’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Kaffee’ in German is masculine: der Kaffee (the coffee). Its plural is ‘die Kaffees’ (the coffees).

‘Kaffee’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Kaffee’ requires understanding The German Case System.

German Noun ‘Junge’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Junge’ in German is masculine: der Junge (the boy). Its plural is ‘die Jungen’ (the boys).

‘Junge’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Junge’ requires understanding The German Case System.

German Noun ‘Garten’: Gender, Plural, & Case [Explained]

The gender of ‘Garten’ in German is masculine: der Garten (the garden). Its plural is ‘die Gärten’ (the gardens).

‘Garten’ is a common German noun that you’ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written German. But using ‘Garten’ requires understanding The German Case System.